If you have an opportunity to deliver parts/goods and/or perform the services announced on the website of the company "UZAUTO MOTORS POWERTRAIN"at http://xarid.umpt.uz/ and you visited our site for the first time, we ask you to proceed in the following sequence
First of all, register in the system following next:
- Create a new user
- Company information
- Sign in
- Sign up (now)
- User Name
- Tel number
- Position
- Password
- confirm password
- User Agreement Информация о компании Company information
- Company name
- Company email
- Company Phone
- Company Address
- Upload certificates that are available (related to the company's activities and products)
- Upload Licenses and copies of passports.
- Remarks - if additional information on activities is available.
- Save
User Confirmation
- Система отправляет проверочную электронную почту со ссылкой на сайт http://xarid.uzautomotors.com/, на электронную почту, которую Вы указали при создании пользователя.
- Вам необходимо войти на Ваш электронный адрес и подтвердить подлинность вашей электронной почты.
- Нажимая на ссылку, Вы подтверждаете подлинность Вашей электронной почты и успешно регистрируетесь на сайте компании.
Submission of proposals:
- Sign in
- Enter Username
- Password
- Choose a section
- Select the Lot / announcement for which you intend to send an offer.
- «Suggest»Button
- Choose a section that includes your proposed product
- Bid amount
- Download official quotation
- Save